Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This time I was the one who was overstimulated. Luke and I attended MomSwim, a unique water based Pilates class using baby as resistance. Does that sound like a mouthful? Well, add to that the confusion that comes with figuring out how to get your baby and yourself ready for a swimming session, participating in a class that involves singing, signing, watching your baby experience "big waters" for the first time, trying to be friendly to other moms, trying to remember new names, and keeping your shoulders down and your ribs knit together the entire time. And when it's over, you go back to the locker room and try to rinse off in the shower with a baby, change him, change yourself while simultaneously trying to prevent baby from rolling off blanket onto dirty locker room floor, while a chorus of hungry, tired, cold babies grows louder louDER LOUDER all around you...

Did I mention that Luke had a blast and then slept for three hours? It's totally worth the chaos.

And these photos? Taken a few days after swimming. No way I was organized enough to shoot a photo during the actual class.

Luke's Apres-swim look


Anonymous said...

Wow! Catherine that is too cute- Sounds like we are really missing out on life by not doing swim classes- next time I guess. See you soon Justine

Annika said...

I thought just taking Liam to the pool was work enough--I can't imagine on focusing on my own exercise. I am glad Luke likes it...adorable pictures!

nanny and papa milliken said...

What a cute little water-monkey!

Anonymous said...

Great pics!

Carolyn said...

Love the apres swim look