Friday, August 7, 2009

Fright and Delight

Last year at this time, I took Luke for walks past the spray park in our neighborhood. I thought ahead to this summer, and I pictured Luke and his friend Ryan toddling through, squealing with delight. It didn't really work out like that. The boys aren't walking yet, and it's more like Luke squeals with fright every time I put him down to crawl around in the puddles. He will, however, do his signature "Luke-happy flailing dance" if someone is holding him.

Having a blast, as long as dad is near:

A family trip through the rainbow bars:

Getting dumped on, per my niece Anna's request:

1 comment:

nanny and papa milliken said...

Clever girl, that Anna, as she is letting Auntie Catherine take the brunt of the dousing.