Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If you build it, they will sulk...

Luke's more of a Spring/Summer guy, I'm thinking. I took him out this morning, and he just sat there, the whole time. Like he was a little seven month old baby. He maybe brushed the snow on the ground a few times. I tried building him a snow midget to cheer him up, but the only thing that made him feel better was going back inside!


Joseph J. Hehir said...

With all the stuff he has on, he probably couldn’t move.

Steve said...

Took the words right out of my mouth - that outfit might be restricting his movement a bit :)

Catherine said...

Nope, you're both wrong. Moved around the house in it just fine!

Michael Hehir said...

Sophie loves looking at the picture of Luke sitting next to the snowman. If she's having a cranky moment I show her the picture and she cheers up right away.