Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Days Five and Six

It's hard to believe that last week at this time Jamie and I had just arrived at the hospital! The past two days have had their fill of excitement. Yesterday we had our first doctor's appointment. We arrived armed with concerns and questions, and left with reassurances and much needed direction. The best news we received is Luke is eating well and is already back to his birth weight after five days. My brother, sister-in-law, and niece are in town, so we'll be enjoying some time together. Here are highlights of days five and six:

Mom tries the bath this time

Another irresistible kid in towel photo

On his way to Dr. Winikoff

Reading We're Going On a Bear Hunt

Luke with Cousin Anna and Uncle Mike

Relaxing with Dad


Anonymous said...

Adorable! You look like a natural as a parent!

Michael Hehir said...

Hi! We finally made it back to the hotel. It only took 90 minutes. Grr...