Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quick Update

I have been in Early Labor since last evening. It was a very long night, timing contractions and dealing with the pain, discomfort, and fatigue. We went to my doctor's appointment this morning and things weren't progressing quickly enough for them to admit us to Labor and Delivery. So we drove our sorry selves home and went back to bed for five hours. (This was helped in great deal by the Ambien my doctor gave me--dreams were really trippy--I had to fight a lot of animals--but they took my mind off the increasingly painful contractions.) Now we're up and ready for round two, although a bit discouraged by my tendency to have contractions six minutes apart, not the magic four or five.

Hoping to have better news next time!


Michael Hehir said...

Hang in there!

You really don't want to have them admit you early. Tina was stuck there for almost a day with an IV in her arm before anything started happening.

Marcus Howell said...

That's so exciting! Keep us all posted. We love you guys and wish you the best.

Unknown said...

yah! congratulations. Hopefully the baby has arrived by now.